Available courses

For June 22, 2024 CLASSES please READ article E,F, M, N, O

A study of the fundamentals of English grammar, including the essential elements of good writing. This is an introductory writing course that presents the basic tools of clear, effective written communication, guides the student through the process of writing effective paragraphs and essays from prewriting to the finished draft, and introduces techniques necessary for integrity in research with the MLA and APA forms of documentation.

A study of the fundamentals of English grammar, including the essential elements of good writing. This is an introductory writing course that presents the basic tools of clear, effective written communication, guides the student through the process of writing effective paragraphs and essays from prewriting to the finished draft, and introduces techniques necessary for integrity in research with the MLA and APA forms of documentation.

Introduces the basic features of Microsoft Office, Windows basics, and file management. Develops familiarity with Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, email, and Internet basics.

This course is designed to provide a basic introduction to the principles of the science of human behavior. The course will consider the topics of the historical roots of psychology, intelligences, the physiological basis of human development and behavior, motivation, perception, learning frustration, emotions, personality, spirituality, and applied areas.

This is a basic course in cultural anthropology. It is intended to familiarize the student with the major theories of culture and the historical development of the study of culture. While the course will touch on the four major sub-disciplines, it will primarily focus on cultural anthropology’s sub-specialties. This course is not intended to make anthropologists out of the students, but to provide the students the essentials to survive and function in an ever increasing international and multi-cultural world.

Philosophy involves the study of Ethics, not limited to philosophies which is one of the major branches of Philosophy. Although the issues raised will focus on ethics, the discussion will take in philosophic methods and concepts.

An introduction to basic Bible study methods and rules of interpretation with emphasis on accurately understanding and obeying God’s Word and the development of practical skills. Students will learn to determine what Scripture says, what it means, and how it can be applied.

This course is designed to help students understand the importance of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and to provide tools for practical application of knowledge gained. It is also designed to involve the student in a regular schedule of exercise and wellness as well as train the student in developing a lifestyle of healthy eating patterns.

A continuation of EN 100 with further development of the proper application of English grammar. This course integrates the principles of composition and effective research writing with an introduction to literature. Students observe various forms of creativity in the art of writing. Writing critiques on selected works of literature requires integrity in the documentation of borrowed ideas and use of MLA form.

Field Education/Internship is a central piece of the learning experience in the Judson Bible College. Field Education consists of two components. The first is supervised ministry experience on weekly bases. Each learner is required to devote at least four hours per week to serve in a church ministry context. The second component is internship. Each intern meets throughout the program at Judson Bible College for reflection on mentoring, and peer support to participate in supervised ministry in a church-based ministry setting (e.g. pastor, deacon, trustee, worship leader, church schoolteacher, Bible study leader).

The Bible Content examination is intended to assess one’s knowledge of stories, themes and pertinent passages in the Old and New Testaments. This exam is ordinarily taken in the final year of the program. The two-hour examination contains 100 questions in multiple-choice, matching, and ordering formats, about the contents of the Bible.

A broad overview and survey of the Old Testament designed to emphasize the structure, theme and message of the Old Testament and each of its 39 individual books in order to provide understanding of God’s self-revelation and His plan of redemption.

The first five books of the Bible are studied as organized wholes. The origin of the world, the creation of man, the calling of Israel, and her place in the plan of redemption are noted throughout.

The first five books of the Bible are studied as organized wholes. The origin of the world, the creation of man, the calling of Israel, and her place in the plan of redemption are noted throughout.

This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the principal people; the major political, historical, and cultural developments; the main religious movements; and the doctrinal issues which have influenced and shaped the Christian church throughout its 2000- year history.

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the various Christian denominations and world religions existing in the world. The history, polity and theology of each denominational family (Lutheran, Methodist, etc.) and interfaith distinctiveness will be studied. Current world religions (Buddhism, Islam, etc.), denominational trends and future viability will be discussed.

The purpose of this course is to survey the earthly life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the four canonical gospels. This will be accomplished by focusing the student’s attention primarily on the narrative flow of the events so as to ascertain the basic pattern of development in Jesus’ actions and teachings. Particular emphasis will be placed on incidents rather than the long discourses.

A survey and summary of the ten major doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the pastor or church leader knowing God more fully while understanding and practicing sound theology.

This course provides a comprehensive study of the nature and statues of Christian mission worldwide. It covers the biblical foundation of mission, the historical development and expansion of the world Christian movement and the current issues and challenges facing mission today. The central theme of this course is that mission starts from God’s missionary nature or mission Dei where the church participates in his suffering in order to bring glory to God through reconciling and transforming world cultures and communities. Special attention will be given to relating mission to culture. We will explore several dynamic methods of presenting the Good News of the kingdom effectively and meaningfully in a particular world context. Effective strategies for world Evangelization and church planting will be considered and studied.

A basic introductory course, covering subjects from qualifications of the planter to methodological strategies involved in church planting and revitalization.

This course will examine the biblical, general and specific steps to enable a person first to be a disciple. Then will discover systems, biblical principles, and methods that create a disciple making context. The systems will cover both the macro level and the micro level. Once this has been discovered and discussed the student will select a disciple making system and create a micro level disciple making plan for a local church

The first part of this course, Preaching Biblical Messages, is designed to equip and train pastors with the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and communicate expository messages from God’s Word. The goal of these messages is that they be biblically accurate and responsive to the needs of people. Emphasis is placed on practical preparation of the preacher and his message with numerous examples and practice assignments. The second part of the course, Pastoral Ministry, is designed to equip pastors with knowledge and practical skills required for effective ministry in the church which is fruitful from God’s perspective.

Designed to equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach God’s Word. Much emphasis is placed on the pastor’s role as teacher and the biblical goal of teaching. An introduction to mentoring for individuals who will be mentoring believers among multinational immigrants. Topics include establishing and maintaining the mentor/mentee relationship, guidelines for creating open communication and professional dialogue, as well as exploring instructional practices for new believers.

The purpose of this course is to provide a framework for a leadership approach that is Biblical and that adheres to the standards of servant leadership as demonstrated by Jesus Christ, which provides for greater effectiveness and demonstrates greater integrity in the approach to leadership.

The purpose of this course is to prepare Christian leaders to facilitate training like DAI’s course material in their own context so that it results in changed hearts and practice that is consistent with an adult learning methodology. Part of the job of a leader is to enable others and to help them grow. Teaching adults is not simply about passing on the information and knowledge that we have but primarily about enabling and empowering others.

The purpose of the course is to equip students with an understanding of the critical importance of good strategy to the long-term health of organizations and how scriptural authority / biblical wisdom, prayerful discernment of God’s will, modern best practice and the use of our own gifts can be used to this end.

Among other issues this course deals with women and their role in leadership. It asks the student to think through personal beliefs about God’s original plans and purposes in creating man and woman. It allows one to explore reasons behind their beliefs and consider making changes. We believe it sets the stage to discover God’s purposes for the Church and His Kingdom here on earth as it relates to the different genders. More than one-half of the members of the body of Christ are women. Their roles as well as the relationships between men and women in the family, civic society, political life, the marketplace and in the church and ministry are crucial dimensions of modeling and extending the Kingdom of God.

The purpose of this course is to develop scriptural principles of integrity and financial stewardship that can be applied within both personal and organizational financial contexts.

The purpose of this course is to analyze the nature of conflict and how it develops in individuals, relationships, and within an organization, and explore the skills and group dynamics necessary to build common ground both in individual and group conflict situations.

This course will provide students with new skills and increase their confidence in fundraising for their ministry or organization. The course also provides a practical approach for securing funds from local sources, including how to develop a “Case for Support”, which students can use as they share their funding needs with others in a variety of contexts.

Course Description: 

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.  Revelation 3:20 (NIV)

Just as Jesus called out to the Laodicean church, He is inviting you to a deeper journey with Him through this course. As He called the Laodiceans to move from a lukewarm to a vibrant relationship with Him, He is inviting you to explore in your own life where waters run lukewarm, where there are blocks to His Living Water, and where there are broken places that need healing, so that you may be filled with His Living Water.

Spiritual Formation is essential in order to remain vital in ministry for years to come. This course is core to your effectiveness as a Christian leader, whether in ministry or in the secular marketplace. While there are required activities, the course emphasis in on internal change of heart and mind, or transformation. This transformation can only take place when we slow down to attend to our inner stirrings (cries of the soul), which are evidence of the Holy Spirit’s invitations to follow in the ways of Jesus, the Living Word.

Transformation happens best when we slow down to make space to hear the still, small voice of God, to place attention on our inner stirrings, and to allow Him to work in and through us to conform us to the image and lifestyle of Jesus. The means of making this space are through each Unit’s devotional practices (spiritual disciplines), readings, and journaling about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in response.

Spiritual Formation is designed for Christian leaders who have settled many of the basic issues of Christian discipleship, but who find themselves longing for increased depth and authenticity in their relationship with Christ. It is for those who are willing to take costly steps to open themselves up to God’s work in new ways and to allow Him to transform them. Course units are designed to engage the learners by involving thoughtful performance in written and audio materials and the intentional practice of spiritual exercises. Together with a weekly written journal, periodic writing activities will enable the student to explore and express new learning and commitments.

At the end of this course, you will devise an action plan based on your personal experience with the spiritual disciplines. The purpose of the plan is to move you forward into a lifetime of continued spiritual formation.

We assure you that every effort will be undertaken to ensure confidentiality during the duration of this course. Therefore, be encouraged to be open and honest as you complete your assignments. Your facilitator understands the intense struggles of the spiritual life. Feel free to be candid when you respond to your assignments. Your facilitator is the only person who will see the assignments you submit.

It is my prayer as your facilitator that you will wholeheartedly accept this invitation to be transformed as you participate in this four-month long journey.

Course Description:

This course provides a comprehensive study of the nature and statues of Christian mission worldwide. It covers the biblical foundation of mission, the historical development and expansion of the world Christian movement and the current issues and challenges facing mission today. The central theme of this course is that mission starts from God’s missionary nature or mission Dei where the church participates in his suffering in order to bring glory to God through reconciling and transforming world cultures and communities. Special attention will be given to relating missions to culture. We will explore several dynamic methods of presenting the Good News of the kingdom effectively and meaningfully in a particular world context. Effective strategies for world Evangelization and church planting will be considered and studied.

This three-part course (Missions, Evangelism and Discipleship) is designed to ground pastors and church leaders in the basic biblical principles of missions, evangelism, and discipleship so that the church can accomplish its God-given task of bringing lost people to Christ and building them up in Christ.

Course Objectives:  Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. To teach pastors and church leaders that missions is the main ministry of the church.2. To instruct pastors and church leaders in the biblical basis, principles, and practice of missions.

3. To assist pastors and church leaders in developing a missions mind-set and ministry in the church.

4. To dispel and deal with common myths, misconceptions, and hindrances to missions.

5. To convince pastors and church leaders that the church is God’s channel for witnessing to Christ in the world.

6. To show that evangelism is the first requirement in fulfilling the Great Commission.

7. To train pastors and church leaders in the content and communication of the true Gospel and to point out false “gospels”.

8. To enable pastors and church leaders to build an evangelistic mind-set and ministry in the church.

9. To provide basic knowledge in how to defend the Christian faith against common challenges, world religions, cults, and the occult.

10. To equip pastors and church leaders to answer contemporary moral and ethical issues from the Bible.

11. To demonstrate that discipleship is the second requirement in fulfilling the Great Commission.

12. To train pastors and church leaders in the biblical principles and practices of discipleship in order to reach the goal of maturity in Christ and making more disciples.

Evangelism and discipleship are what the church does in missions.

 Course Resources:

(1) Course Manual: Missions, Evangelism and Discipleship (English & Burmese), by Dennis J. Mock (Bible Training Center For Pastors, Atlanta, GA: April 1989)

(2) Study Bibles

• The NASB Study Bible Copyright ©1999 by Zondervan 

• The 1984 Text NIV Study Bible Copyright ©1985, 1995, 2002, 2008 by Zondervan



J. Pau Do Lian (Tel: 3175567287) Office home  lianjeff@gmail.com

First Trimester January 9, 2023



The “Church Planting” combined with “Evangelism” is designed to systematically unfold the [basic] “Church Planting” and “Evangelism” pertaining to the subjects of ecclesiology and evangelism in light of the Great Commission.



Nuts and Bolt [pdf file uploaded]

Money Matter [pdf file uploaded]

The Planters [pdf file uploaded]

The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman


Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Through participation in the learning experiences of this course, the student will have made substantial progress toward achievement of the following course objectives are to:

Increase knowledge and understanding about the Church Planting in general and why and how to do it in particular.

Increase knowledge about the church planting in different contexts

Demonstrate the ability to apply the materials for his/her church

Explain the importance of planting churches in the 21st century

Synthesize material from multiple sources

Identify, define and develop a specific research topic


Attendance Policy

Success in this class depends on regular and punctual attendance. 

Students in Zoom Class meet once a month

One [day] absence missing of 8 hours [9am-5pm]

No report, no show up is considered ABSENCE


Information about Assignments

Because of the amount of writing, you will be doing in this course, I will not accept late assignment, except due to extenuating circumstances, which you must tell me about BEFORE the assignment is due. 


All formal assignments must be submitted on the STUDENT CANVAS.

Plagiarism is the act of presenting another person’s ideas, research or writing as your own. Therefore, it is considered a thief. 

Class plans

Topic of discussion will be posted on the CANVAS for your convenience so that you can access from anytime anywhere.

Grading System: Attendance 50% Two assignments 50%

A survey and summary of the ten major doctrines of the Bible with an emphasis on the pastor or church leader knowing God more fully while understanding and practicing sound theology.

This course is designed to introduce pastors and church leaders to the principal people; the major political, historical, and cultural developments; the main religious movements; and the doctrinal issues which have influenced and shaped the Christian Church throughout its 2000- year history.

This course gives background information and a strategy for working with adolescents/youth, women, men, and aging adults. Topics specifically for babies and small children are not covered.

Introduction To Neighborhood Transformation is designed to equip students with the basics of the Neighborhood Transformation Strategy of Christ-centered community development.

This course is designed to prepare laymen and volunteers to help with basic emotional issues in a wide variety of settings. The lessons are developed from a biblical perspective. The topics include emotional care and trauma healing lessons gathered from larger CHE/NT focuses on Women’s Cycle of Life, Men Matter, Children’s CHE, Working with Youth, and HIV Care, etc.

An overview survey of the New Testament focusing on the theme, purpose, structure, and essential content of each book and relating each book to the whole Bible. A strong emphasis is also given to the applicational message of each book.

This foundational and introductory course seeks to develop a biblical-theological, historical and cultural understanding of the best principles and practices of leadership in the church, ministry organizations, and the marketplace. Each student will gain insight into their leadership potential, gifts, values, preferences, style, and skill levels. They will grow in their ability to think and respond as leaders in whatever settings they serve. Students will implement their understanding of leadership and reflect on those implementations.

This course will examine the biblical, general, and specific steps to enable a person first to be a disciple. Then will discover systems, biblical principles, and methods that create a disciple-making context. The systems will cover both the macro-Level and the micro-level. Once this has been discovered and discussed the student will select a disciple-making system and create a micro-level disciple-making plan for a local church.

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